Dandelion If you wish to remove comfrey after your fruit trees are established a thick sheet mulch will easily do the trick and you can take great joy in knowing that your comfrey plant’s root mass will act as a deep soil compost for your fruit trees. I planted a variety of different things under them. I read your blog post on the advantages of comfrey under fruit trees some time ago Chris and resolve to give it a go. Kath Irvine says . 6. Members of the Proteaceae family can accumulate phosphorous in the soil, providing further nourishment for your fruit trees. As venna2 wrote: Don't eat comfrey!It's fine for chickens, but not humans. 3. It definitely works with citrus for me. 7. I would have lost hundreds of dollars worth of orchard trees but comfrey healed the trees and enabled them to continue to grow in-spite of orchard mice damage that ringed the bark of the trees. b. Under each tree we have planted a combination of Comfrey, Lemongrass, Fennel, Borage, Canadian Meadow Garlic, Wild Strawberries, Tandy, Chives and Walking Onions. Guild Rings are plants of Comfrey planted under the fruit tree from the drip zone to the trunk of the tree. Comfrey Guild Rings are a beneficial method of fertilizing and aerating the soil around fruit trees. Deep-rooted herbs, especially comfrey, are great at bringing nutrients from deep in the soil up to their leaves. Read more about comfrey and borage, superstars of the fruit tree guild system. Kind regards Justine. And keep chopping it down, don't let it … Comfrey even attracts pollinators with its blue-purple flowers. Common comfrey is known to propagate by seed, although it can take a few years for the seeds to germinate and produce a mature plant. Speaking of comfrey,,, i few if my newly planted fruit trees had curly leaf disease. Comfrey is a great companion plant for fruit trees as the long tap root brings nutrients up to the surface. They repel deer and other wildlife, repel fruit tree borers, and stop grass from creeping under the tree. I have read not to plant comfrey under fruit trees as it competes with the tree for nutrients. Neither type of comfrey are grown for human consumption. Chives and perennial onions are an often overlooked companion plant. Medicine for Fruit Tree Repair. The ones i planted with comfrey, were cured of curly leaf. These cousins are both herbs that produce fertilizer, mulch, and nectar, and are excellent at attracting beneficial insects. So i planted comfrey under the one left with curly leaf and a few weeks later its cured too! Comfrey supports tree regrowth after bark damage. It is poisonous to eat, but not to use in balms and topical treatments. September 9, 2013 at 12:11 pm. It is also good to plant alongside the chook run as it is full of nutrients and makes the yolks yellow and the egg shells very hard. Do you have any thoughts on this? Russian comfrey is sterile so will not go to seed, however it can still be invasive. I thought it may have been a coincidence. Reduce transplant shock That its best to plant it elsewhere and use the leaves as mulch around fruit trees. Honey Berries, Blueberries and other small fruit bushes are scattered between the trees. Choose Comfrey or Borage. Comfrey is a sturdy perennial and is hard to remove once it is established, so plan its placement carefully. I plant mine around the compost heap to pick up runoff from the compost.Not sure if planting it under, or near a fruit tree is a good idea though. This makes comfrey a multipurpose companion plant for cherry trees.
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