In the rump America, the regressive American Union State is turned inward, fulminating against grievances real and imagined. Protesters during the 1925 General Strike. The remaining loyal territorial army were mobilized as barricades, military checkpoints and barbed wire sprung up over London. The military doctrine of the Union of Britain puts great emphasis on naval superiority in home waters as well as providing escorts for commerce vessels which are the lifeline of the island nations. Several divisions and generals mutinied rather than obey. In the Caribbean, the West Indies Federation was formed in mid-1925 in the midst of the revolution to establish a tighter grip over the British Caribbean possessions, which were very prone to socialist agitation. The British Question, sometimes called the British Problem, is a dispute over the status of British colonies following the British Revolution (1924-1925), beginning approximately in mid-1925. Though he wished to be succeeded by Archibald Brockway of the Independent Labor Party, the more radical Labor party statesmen feared that Brockway would ally with Philip Snowden's moderate wing of the ILP and even the Liberal Party. A massive attempt to evacuate Scotland by sea was met with limited success, leaving some soldiers behind as guerrillas in the highlands. However, under British Law, the insurrection could not simply be crushed, as using British troops against British citizens was illegal; Using army troops in Ireland would also have required acknowledgement of a state of war in Ireland. The British Army is a mix of standing army units, home defence garrisons and local militias which provide a mobile reserve for the home defence garrisons. Germany - Germany - Germany from 1871 to 1918: The German Empire was founded on January 18, 1871, in the aftermath of three successful wars by the North German state of Prussia. A series of People’s Restaurants were set up where a full meal costed no more than nine pence and the “Dig For Revolution” campaign began to encourage people to grow food and take up farming. Steam Workshop: Hearts of Iron IV. They must be denied access to the resources they need. The CIC is Britain's domestic security service responsible for neutralising internal threats, counter espionage and dealing with political dissidents. The Chairman of the Federal Congress was to be appointed by a vote of both chambers and would unrestrictedly appoint the Executive Committee. In January 1931, Chairman Cook was hospitalized for cancer treatment, so Thomas Mann was nominated by the Trade Union Congress to replace him and subsequently approved. In July, the Republican military, now containing an air branch, attacked Nottingham, where its discipline shocked the Parliamentarians and won it a tough victory. The Royal Family, along with most of the nation’s leading politicians and property owners, promptly fled to the Dominion of Canada. Some of the remaining Parliamentarian forces still fought on as guerrillas, often no different to bandits. The Chairman is head of state, and appoints the Executive Committee unilaterally. The Union of Britain is a syndicalist state in western Europe lying off the north-western coast of the European mainland. This 36”x60” wall flag is made of 100% polyester knit; equipped with grommets for an authentic look and feel. The standing army is rather small, but the manpower pool of Britain is great and a great number of divisions can be raised in a relatively short time should the need arise. The definitive cause of the British Revolution, and the violent insurrection that triggered it is one shrouded in mystery and disinformation. In Birmingham, Oswald Mosley delivered a series of speeches that convinced a revolutionary mob to seize control of the city. "For King and Country: Return Home", typical royalist propaganda against the Union of Britain. Kaiserreich Germany has 75 civilian factories, 28 military factories, and 20 dockyards, compared to 31/28/10 in the base game. Petrol however had to be rationed extremely heavily, prompting the setup of a commission to investigate the possibilities of synthetic replacements at Porton Down. Persuaded to withdraw Brockway from consideration, his friend John Beckett convinced him to support Oswald Mosley as his successor. Following several constitutional conferences, the British North America Act brought … All large gatherings were declared illegal, and with they refusal to disperse ordered to be met with the army opening fire. When anti-war sentiment and general bankruptcy following the Weltkrieg increased more and more over the time, the British government began to seek an exit and a truce was signed between the government and the IRA on July 11th. On December 24, auxiliary troops demanding refuge in Manchester Cathedral brutally beat William Temple, Bishop of Manchester, but before he could be killed, rebel militia slew the auxiliaries. This is the darkest hour of the British Empire. Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg is a Hearts of Iron II, Darkest Hour and Hearts of Iron IV Game Mod that is set in an alternate timeline where the Central Powers win World War I.Currently in 1.4 beta for Hearts of Iron II, 1.9 beta for Darkest Hour and 0.14 Beta for Hearts of Iron IV, Kaiserreich takes many of the same nations in a different direction, while introducing dozens … France ceded nearly all of its colonies in North America in 1763 after the Seven Years' War. It includes the Revolutionary Education Commission which is responsible for educating the populace about the benefits of socialism and enforcing it as the new way of life and political orthodoxy. Outraged, Labour began to rally behind the radical trade unionists calling for the deposition of the government. To India's northwest lies Pakistan which is ruled by the radical socialist President Sajjad Zaheer. Completely surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the North Sea to its east, the English Channel to its south, and the Celtic Sea to its south-west, Britain borders no other sovereign states. The Remnant: British colonists refused to release their grasp on India even after the United Kingdom fell to the syndicalists. Egypt gained sole authority over the Sudan and declared their full independence, but the country's attempt to seize the Suez Canal caused an international crisis, which would be solved by a German ultimatum to Cairo and the inclusion of the Suez Canal Zone and the Sinai Peninsula in the internationally governed Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem. With Canadian reinforcements on their way, in December the Union secured French help in raiding Plymouth to break the stalemate. In 1925, domestic turmoil erupted after what started as a minor labour dispute rapidly escalated after military troops were dispatched to restore order. With the collapse of the Western Front in early 1919, the German siege of Paris and the outbreak of strikes and mutineers all over France, a peace treaty that finally ended the Weltkrieg would finally be signed on 6th November at the Palace of Versailles. The government ordered the army to support the police in breaking up strikes and even forcing workers to resume critical jobs. This resulted in the establishment of locally elected councils as the main organ of government, supervised by the national direction of the CTU, a dominant public sector, and a diplomatic stance that emphasized self-defense and national self-reliance above all else. There were to be two equal chambers of Congress, each elected by a single transferable vote, but candidates must be approved by the Ministry of Information. He was replaced by Christian Socialist William Temple. In 1925, the Irish Free State abandoned that status and became the Republic of Ireland. The Singapore Strategy United Kingdom: Requires the following: Fortify East Asia; Singapore (336): Controller: One … The Councilist Assembly is the house of review, and its members are elected by the legislatures of Britain's ten regional governments, with representation given in proportion to population. Australia and New Zealand seize the British part of New Guinea and Fiji. Nonetheless, the Porte endured and as the rebellion was snuffed out and the initial issues were smothered, the empire started to look to the future once more and by 1936 it has reestablished itself as the predominant power in the Middle East both militarily and economically benefitting greatly from the collapse of the British Empire. Exact Words: In 1921, after the Irish War of Independence, the United Kingdom surrendered its claim to Northern Ireland in a peace treaty with the Irish Free State, a country that was a member of the British Empire and Commonwealth. Taking example from their French comrades, the British Trades Union Congress (TUC) called a general strike to cripple the national economy. In Scotland, Glasgow and Edinburgh had their government buildings stormed by rebels who agreed to link up their territories with a successful but bloody march on Livingston, causing the Parliamentarians to withdraw from the heart of Scotland. In May, pay in the armed forces was slashed across the board, and the construction of new warships was greatly scaled back. At the beginning of 1927, the constitution of the Union of Britain was formally brought into force. The TUC then passed several laws in quick succession effectively outlawing opposition parties; the Chairman declared the country was not in need of “fractious ideological squabbling when the way forward is clear.” Soon afterwards, another bill permanently disbanded the Provincial Parliament and turned Britain into a unicameral state. Scottish Chairman Willie Gallacher suspended the referendum indefinitely, and in return London granted Scotland more autonomy. South Wales' huge Port Talbot Steelworks was heavily unionised, and its workers had undertaken a mass walkout. Panicking, the government declared a state of emergency. This is the 'Classic' variant of the flag used ingame as of 0.4.5. The Scottish rebels chose to advance south to link up with the midland rebels. It established a secular state with universal suffrage for those over 21 and elections every five years. Australia, New Zealand, and the British-administered portions of New Guinea and Fiji would go on to form the Australasian Confederation. The collapse of the British Empire is a well-studied process by historiographers and political scientists the world over. Won the 2nd Weltkrieg as Canada, went on to restore the British Empire. British India, already plagued by revolts for over five years, completely collapsed into a Free Indian Republic in the north, proclaimed in Calcutta, a Indian-aligned Republic of Burma, proclaimed in Rangoon, and the remnants of the British administration in Southern India, consisting of the former Raj itself, Ceylon and the Princely States of Hyderabad and Mysore. The subsequent violent crackdown on the protest resulted in a general strike and rioting throughout the city. Britain has very poor relations with all members of the Entente, especially the exiled British government in power in Canada. Besides, the British "Empire" is much less of a traditionally centralized Empire and more of an association of former colonies who hold strong loyalties to Britain, though not to the point of sacrificing independence entirely to them. The Labour Party was soon outlawed and all Labour members of Parliament remaining in London were arrested for high treason. The British Revolution was a successful Syndicalist revolution that engulfed the United Kingdom in 1924 and 1925 and sent shockwaves through the British Empire.It resulted in the creation of the Union of Britain, the Collapse of the British Empire (like the Indian Revolt, the Burmese Revolt and a scramble for British possessions in Africa, Southeast Asia, the Mediterranean Sea and … On May 13th, the crew of the HMS Hood, docked in Plymouth, mutinied, refusing to obey the ship's officers. However, the rebels would have the upper hand for the rest of the conflict, as their revolutionary structures had already been well-established. Mosley's tight-knit followers, who stress the need for “Total commitment to Socialism and the maximum effort for the revolution”, are known as “Maximists”. Based on these facts, the Treaty of Versailles would be called "Peace with Honor" by the British government and war propaganda; But even though the war had ended relatively lenient for the Brits, that did not mean that the Empire was looking into a bright future, as the faith and support of the British people at home was shrinking with every month. The British Empire is the primary obstacle, together with the colonies of other Western powers. The Kaiserreich Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Timeline- A History of the British Commonwealth during the mid 20th Century A Kaiserreich HOI 4 AAR Our Empire shattered, our king exiled, and our motherland lost. The army has a secondary role as the air force and the navy are thought to have a higher priority. Congressmen are directly elected by union members, which include all workers holding government recognized jobs. By 1936, the Raj and its allies Hyderabad and Mysore only controls the Deccan Plateau and the lands south of it. For King and Country! The empire was forged not as the result of the outpouring of nationalist … Leading nationalist John MacCormick expressed willingness for a Winsor restoration and the head of the center-right Unionist Party endorsed independence. Following the Weltkrieg, a greatly enlarged German Empire with dominance over much of Europe was seen as a threat to the United Kingdom, despite itself having given no concessions in the Peace with Honour. After tense negotiations, on November 10th, 1921, the Irish Republic and the United Kingdom signed what became known as the “Anglo-Irish Treaty”, ending the Irish War of Independence. The collapse of the British government led to a massive land-grab among its overseas possessions. To create or usurp an empire, a character needs to: . Different to the territories occupied by the other nations, the German and French-occupied British possessions were allowed to keep their former administrations in charge, granting them a good amount of autonomy. Kaiserreich is the name of the German Empire (and also the Austro-Hungarian empire also the holy roman empire) the world biggest power it has won both of the Weltkriegs and posses a huge colonial empire, it is ruled in present day by the Kaiser George Mikhailovich who belongs both to the Romanov and Hohenzollern houses. Weeks later, George Lansbury spoke at a Labour Party conference where he embraced Republicanism and condemned George V's "political meddling" while referring to the execution of Charles I. As a result, military spending remained high, with particular emphasis on an expensive naval arms race with Germany designed to ensure that Britain remained the undisputed master of the seas. In 1933, Mann was persuaded to support the creation of a new chamber of Congress, albeit one much less powerful than the Provincial Parliament. This proved greatly successful at preventing extralegal violence, though its arrest of former Conservatives Party members would lead to many deaths through overzealous aggression and poor quality prison camps. The German Empire or the Imperial State of Germany, also referred to as Imperial Germany, the Second Reich, the Kaiserreich, as well as simply Germany, was the period of the German Reich from the unification of Germany in 1871 until the November Revolution in 1918, when the German Reich changed its form of government from a monarchy to a republic.. A list of events preceding the events of Kaiserreich. In the end a regime of rationing was brought in, which placed the food supply under state control and doled out a given amount of milk, sugar, fruit, margarine, butter, fats, cheese, meat, clothing and tea to each person. In response to the government violence against strikers, the Transport and General Workers' Union called a solidarity strike. 1926 saw the formative Congresses of Socialist Britain, with advocates of various positions coming together to hammer out the framework of the new state. Hitler preferred to see the British Empire preserved as a world power, because its break-up would benefit other countries far more than it would Germany, particularly the United States and Japan. The Irish War of Independence (1919-1921), 1924/25: Disintegration of the British Empire, Reorganisation of the remaining British Colonial Posessions. Still, the RAF does employ a significant number of strategic bombers under the RAF Strategic Bomber Command should the need arise to take the war to the enemy. A Kaiserreich British Indian AAR. Control at least 80% of its de jure territory; Hold either two kingdom titles, or an empire … Though coalitions supporting both sides cut across economic policy lines, the Nationalists proved far better at campaign unity than the Unionists. The key leader was Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz, who greatly expanded the … All that is known for sure is that the primary catalyst was the series of events that took place at Tarenni Colliery in South Wales. Arthur Cook won the subsequent election for President and shortly afterwards the Constitutional Convention abolished the title, granting the head of state title to the Chairman of the Ministerial Council. In January 1930, John Wheatley suffered a heart attack, leaving him bedridden. Belize was seized by neighboring Guatemala. This prompted disorgonised, violent reprisals which caused Chairman Cook to task Vice-Chairman Wheatley with ending the crisis. The Republican Navy, which is self-governing and largely self-financing, controls not only maritime defence, customs, and the merchant marine, but also has a huge influence over shipbuilding, trade and foreign policy. On Christmas Day a red flag was flown over Manchester Cathedral, the center of the new Christian socialist movement. Fearing a French style revolution, the government quickly outlawed the TGWU and suspended the right of transport workers to strike, outraging Labour and the trade union movement. Hitler's strategy between 1935 and 1937 for winning Britain over was based upon a German guarantee of defence towards the British Empire. Later this year, both countries formed the Australasian Confederation to ensure mutual protection. The Councilist Assembly was created, which is limited to advisory and scrutiny-based powers. I like it, but it's impossible to sort by country or in any means other than looking for one specific event. While France was forced to make wide-reaching concessions, the British Empire remained largely intact: They were allowed to keep their influence in Belgium to a certain degree, did not have to pay reperations to Germany and were allowed to keep their colonial possessions. Though soon arrested, a large crowd of protestors at the docks intimidated the police into releasing the sailors and calling for backup. The Kaiserreich Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Starting at the beginning of the Weltkrieg up until 1936. The point of divergence in this mod is the Central Power victory over the Entente in the first World War. They were turned over to worker’s self-management via the unions, with the TUC responsible for controlling production and trade via its Manufacturing and Resources Commission, members of which were chosen from the TUC by the chairman. Made by Tony Pro and co-created by Drozdovite. Created by Supah Taco Guy ⟶ Updated 18 Nov 2018 ⟶ List of edits . Mass desertions from the army caused their ranks to be replaced with ill-disciplined ex-servicemen, whose brutality only increased support for the rebels, allowed cities such as Liverpool to fall to the Revolution. Mann dissolved the house in response, giving the Trade Union Congress sole rule. This was strongly opposed by Moseley, and a rift developed between him and the Chairman, though publicly they claimed unity. The surviving constituent members of the empire have little beyond bravado to show for their aims at reclaiming their homeland, at least as long as the Union of Britain still exists. Mann's orthodox syndicalists are a majority, at least outwardly. The collapse of the British Empire is a well-studied process by historiographers and political scientists the world over. Gibraltar finally fell into Spanish hands in June, Falkland Islands were seized by Argentina, the Ottoman Empire regained sole control over Cyprus, seized the Aden Protectorate and managed to bring the British tributaries of Kuwait, Qatar and the Trucial States back in their sphere of influence. In the Kaiserreich British Empire in Exile, French Republican government (also in exile) and a Russia were bolshevik victory was prevented by intervention of Kolchak are the primary fascist powers and alt fascism is called National Populism . The Ministry of Information is responsible for approving political candidates and limiting the public's access to misinformation and information deemed dangerous. The remains of the Royal Navy began assisting in the evacuation to Canada, now including the government. London descended into chaos with the government abandoning the city, allowing the Republican army to enter it and crush all remaining resistance. Portugal tried to seize Nyasaland in late 1925 but was presented an ultimatum by Germany, deeply humiliating the small country and causing the takeover of the integralists a few months later. It existed between 1871 and 1919, growing out of the small Prussian Navy, which primarily had the mission of coastal defence. The town was placed under curfew by armed police and that night the nearby barracks were stormed by furious miners. France, with the diplomatic approval of Ottawa, temporarily occupied the island of Malta and the West African colonies of Gambia and Sierra Leone, while Germany managed to secure most of the British African holdings as well as strategic colonies in Southeast Asia, namely the Strait Colonies, Malaya, Brunei and Sarawak and most of the British islands in the Pacific and Atlantic. This includes the Deputy Chairman who is head of government and runs the powerful Central Intelligence Committee. Integration with the exiles from pre-Syndicalist Britain has produced a merged people, pacified by the riches of victory, conditioned by the propaganda of a glorious past and bright future for the reborn British empire. The Republican Navy is the sole navy in Europe that can hope to take on the Kaiserliche Marine at sea. The Union of Britain is a member of the Internationale alliance, along with the Commune of France, and the Socialist Republic of Italy with which it has very good relations. Its priority was rebuilding, and for that end masses of volunteers were organized for such tasks as supplying food and medicine and repairing roads and railways. Despite mass arrests, the Miners’ Federation of Great Britain joined the strike, numerous territorial army barracks went into mutiny, and on the 18th of June the Trade Union Congress announced its intention to hold a general strike. Though the loyalists were able to retake Bristol, the army was in full retreat across Britain's industrial heartland. Venezuela threatened to press its claims over the disputed Essequibo zone, but the dispute was mediated by the United States. In February a group calling itself the Loyalist Opposition kidnaped three government officials and murdered at least two, promising more to come should "orderly and moral governance" not return. In September, when a crowd of strikes approached inexperienced soldiers, one opened fire leading to chaos and five dead. In Spring martial law was extended to the rest of the United Kingdom and the royal family was evacuated to Canada under the guise of a state visit. In the direct aftermath of the peace treaty, Britain had to deal with massive unrest on the Home Islands, most prominently in Ireland, where a bloody Independence War was raging since early 1919. In fact, they’ve only been in the British colonies since 1925. Significant restructuring of trading relationships was made, with attempts to compensate for the deficits made via trade with France, Italy and negotiations with many neutral countries. When the government ordered more forces to quell the unrest, many troops simply deserted and took up arms alongside the strikers. Potatoes and vegetables were never rationed and though cereal was initially considered the idea was rapidly abandoned in favour of price regulations. Fishing also benefited from the fall in meat consumption. Britain also has poor relations with Ireland, though the two do recognize one another. It consists of the island of Great Britain and a large number of smaller outlying islands. A special solution was eventually developed by Secretary of State for War Winston Churchill, and, although controversial, actions against the rebels soon began. The French Algiers government eventually agreed to transfer the French West Indies to WIF as well in 1926, with the greater goal to suppress potential uprisings in the region more efficiently. A stream of foreign aid and volunteers flowed into the city as Wales was engulfed in warfare. I feel I could die happy knowing that I made the perfect timeline. It was founded on 18 … Some Liberal members of parliament abandoned the ruling coalition and petitioned King George to dissolve parliament and call for a general election, which he refused. Heavy Autumn rain slowed the Union's advance and the Parliamentarians managed to halt the rebels at Coventry. In the years 1924/1925, less than five years after the Treaty of Versailles which finally ended the Weltkrieg, the United Kingdom suffered a domestic syndicalist revolution as well as the collapse of its overseas colonial empire, the largest on the planet at the time. Fenner Brockway heads the Autonomists, a group heavily influenced by Christian socialism which supports restoration of the Provincial Parliament and implementation of federalism, along with checks and balances allowing the provinces to exercise power of veto over the executive. George Lansbury was appointed President, and weeks later A.J. Although a variety of permanent and temporary solutions have been proposed and implemented in various regions, it is considered largely unresolved. The 1924 election brought a Conservative-Liberal coalition under Austen Chamberlain to power, which decided that the cost was unbearable. The Kaiserreich timeline departs from that of the real world during The First Weltkrie In many parts of the world, British governors and administrators turned to the only other world power still able to protect European interests - the Germans . In early 1926, the Provisional Revolutionary Government convened the Constitutional Convention in the ruins of London. The continuing bloodshed outraged George Lansbury, who resigned as President and appointed Clement Attlee to replace him as head of the Labor party. On September 1 a bomb exploded at Glasgow university though no one was killed. Caused 3 continent wide wars to reclaim all this, but goddamn was it worth it. This proved successful and the direction of forces to the south coast allowed breakthroughs at Peterborough, Luton and the retaking of Bristol. Though political parties are legally untenable, factions remain in Congress. Ostensibly the smallest clique, it contains a great number of closet supporters horrified by Mann and Mosley. As part of the attempts to compensate for the limited supply of textiles a small movement began to discard the wearing of hats as an institution, though its traction is limited. For many people this, and a programme of housing reform and slum clearance, actually managed to improve their quality of life, as they receive education in recycling and reusing various products and the quality and quantity of their diet rose. This caused a flood of people to try to flee the country, clogging Britain's southern ports and forcing the government to divert military to keep order. To do this, he create the Special Operations Executive, a detachment of the Republican Army designated with detaining counter-revolutionaries, protecting VIPs and eliminating dissident armed groups. What resulted was a compromise between the factions that enshrined the principals of decentralization, co-operativism, and isolationism. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Union of Britain was formed after the sucessful Syndicalist revolution that overthrew the old British government, and ultimately collapsed the British Empire. The immediate issue facing the country was a lack of key resources needed for industry, having previously been imported, as well as a severe shortage in food and oil imports from the Dominions, who refused to openly trade with the former-UK as their stabilization after the disruption the British Revolution brought hardened their stance against the new Britain. They desire to preserve the current state of the federation, syndicalist dominated and run by the provincial TUCs, and are called “Federationists”. It approves the Chairman, though its approval is not needed if the TUC agrees on a candidate with a two-thirds supermajority. Vestigial Empire: Following the INC's rebellion, the British were almost fully pushed out of Northern India. The following day street fighting between the two sides fortuitously causes no deaths, and fearing a Nationalist victory Wheatley had John MacCormick and his ally Robert Graham arrested for counter-revolutionary activities. The timeline of the Kaiserreich begins in 1900 just … British tanks and soldiers preparing to engage the revolutionaries, 1925.
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