Wikimedia Commons has media related to Lists of monarchs. [17] The title continued being used long after the Kassites had lost control of Babylon, used for instance as late as by the native Babylonian king Nabu-shuma-ukin I (r. c. 900–888 BC)[21] and by Esarhaddon. [44], These kings also did not actually rule Babylon, but succeeding Kassite kings did. The city was destroyed in 681 BC and Sennacherib did not assume the title "king of Babylon", though some lists list him as ruler in this time, a practice followed in modern historiography. [47], The Elamite dynasty only contains a single king, Mar-biti-apla-usur. [17] Alongside "king of Babylon", "king of Sumer and Akkad" was used by Babylonian monarchs until the fall of the Neo-Babylonian Empire in 539 BC. Ethnicity and culture does not appear to have been important in the Babylonian perception of kingship; many foreign kings enjoyed support from the Babylonians and several native kings were despised. A king's cultural and ethnic background does not appear to have been important for the Babylonian perception of kingship, the important matter instead being whether the king was capable of executing the duties traditionally ascribed to the Babylonian king; establishing peace and security, upholding justice, honoring civil rights, refraining from unlawful taxation, respecting religious traditions, constructing temples and providing gifts to the gods in them as well as maintaining cultic order. [24] That the rule of some foreign kings was not supported by the Babylonians probably has little to do with their ethnic or cultural background. [72] In the first century or so of Parthian rule, Babylon continued to be somewhat important[71] and documents from this time suggest a continued recognition of at least the early Parthian kings as Babylonian monarchs. Because the list is so fragmentary, it is unclear if this Arsaces was formally considered a king of Babylon (as the Persian and Hellenic rulers had been) by the list's author. Topic. [32] Beaulieu (2018) based the arrangement of the dynasties on Babylonian King List A. Beaulieu's "Ninth Dynasty" lumps kings of what the Babylonians reckoned and as a series of brief dynasties together because these dynasties are not separated as clearly in the king list as others are, with dynastic attributions listed after each king individually rather than after the entire sequence, as with previous dynasties. The Kingdom of Mercia was a state in the English Midlands from the 6th century to the 10th. [61] King List 6 ends, after Demetrius II, with a passage referencing "Arsaces the king", indicating that the list was created in the early years of Parthian rule in Mesopotamia (Arsaces being the regnal name used by all Parthian kings). [1] Use of one of the titles did not mean that the others could not be used simultaneously. [39], The regnal dates below (and for the rest of the list, where applicable) follow Chen (2020),[32] which in turn follows the middle chronology of Mesopotamian history, the chronology most commonly encountered in literature, including most current textbooks on the archaeology and history of the Ancient Near East. Rebel leaders (though none were native Babylonians) and local rulers/usurpers who seized the city and were recognized as kings of Babylon by the Babylonians are marked with light blue color. Poland was ruled at various times either by dukes (the 9th–14th century) or by kings (the 11th-18th century). Babylon and the rest of Mesopotamia was lost by the Seleucids to the Parthian Empire in 141 BC. List of portuguese monarchs in English The Monarchs of Portugal ruled from the establishment of the Kingdom of Portugal, in 1139, to the deposition of the Portuguese monarchy and creation of the Portuguese Republic with the 5 October 1910 revolution. )", "Going Native: Šamaš-šuma-ukīn, Assyrian King of Babylon", "A New Translation of the Cyrus Cylinder by the British Museum", "CM 4 (Babylonian King List of the Hellenistic Period)", Muslim conquest of Mesopotamia and Persia,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Babylon's first king, liberated the city from the control of the city-state, Re-established Babylon, son of Urzigurumash, A king, whose name has not survived, ruled between Burnaburiash I and Kashtiliash III according to the, Unrelated to other kings, usurped the throne from Karahardash, Son of Burnaburiash II, appointed by the Assyrian king, Unclear succession, early reign overlaps with Enlil-nadin-ahi's reign, Son of Ninurta-nadin-shumi, usurped the throne from Enlil-nadin-apli, Possibly son of either Marduk-nadin-ahhe or Ninurta-nadin-shumi, A Chaldean chief (Bit-Yakin tribe), unclear succession, A Chaldean chief (Bit-Dakkuri tribe), unclear succession, A Native Babylonian, usurped the throne from Nabu-shuma-ishkun. [72] Religious reforms in the early Sasanian Empire c. 230 AD would have decisively wiped out the last remnants of the old Babylonian culture, if it still existed at that point.[75]. There are no Babylonian king lists which record any ruler after the Seleucids as a King of Babylon. [4] The title was also used by Cyrus the Great, who conquered Babylon in 539 BC. Little is known of these rulers. [45], Evidence that these kings were Kassites, a common assertion, is somewhat lacking. For some two hundred years from the mid-7th century onwards it was the dominant member of the Heptarchy and consequently the most powerful of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. Tweet. They ruled Babylonia from the city Kar-Marduk, an otherwise unknown location which might have been better protected against raids from nomadic groups than Babylon itself. In 539, Cyrus the Great of the Persian Achaemenid Empire conquered Babylon, which would never again successfully regain independence. [71] Critically, the nearby and newer cities of Seleucia and later Ctesiphon overshadowed Babylon and became the imperial capitals of the region. The city experienced two major periods of ascendancy, when Babylonian kings rose to dominate large parts of the Ancient Near East: the First Babylonian Empire (or Old Babylonian Empire, 1894–1595 BC according to the middle chronology) and the Second Babylonian Empire (or Neo-Babylonian Empire, 626–539 BC). The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 257 total. Though they probably did not use the title themselves, Babylonian king lists continue to consider the monarchs of the Hellenistic Argead dynasty, which conquered Babylonia and the rest of the Persian Empire under Alexander the Great in 331 BC, as kings of Babylon. [12] Later monarchs likely rarely (if at all) used the title, but the rulers of Mesopotamia continued to be accorded it for centuries by the Babylonians themselves, as late as the Parthian period. English Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia. Get Babylon's Translation Software Free Download Now! [59][60] These lists records rulers, identifying them as "kings of Babylon".[61]. This failure might have been interpreted as the kings thus not having the necessary divine endorsement to be considered true kings of Babylon. the Parthians, to have lasted until the end of the Parthian Empire's rule of Mesopotamia in the early 3rd century AD. Wikipedia Dictionaries . Recognition of these empires as additional dynasties of Babylon has been limited and variable in modern scholarship. Twenty-fourth Dynasty of EgyptTefnakht Bakenranef, (Sargonid dynasty)Tiglath-Pileser† Shalmaneser† Marduk-apla-iddina II Sargon† Sennacherib† Marduk-zakir-shumi II Marduk-apla-iddina II Bel-ibni Ashur-nadin-shumi† Nergal-ushezib Mushezib-Marduk Esarhaddon† Ashurbanipal Ashur-etil-ilani Sinsharishkun Sin-shumu-lishir Ashur-uballit II, Seleucid Empire: Seleucus I Antiochus I Antiochus II Seleucus II Seleucus III Antiochus III Seleucus IV Antiochus IV Antiochus V Demetrius I Alexander III Demetrius II Antiochus VI Dionysus Diodotus Tryphon Antiochus VII Sidetes, Dynasty I: Amorite dynasty (c. 1894–1595 BC), Dynasty III: Kassite dynasty (c. 16th century BC – 1155 BC), Dynasty IV: Second dynasty of Isin (c. 1157–1026 BC), Dynasty V: Second Sealand dynasty (c. 1025–1005 BC), Dynasty VI: Bazi dynasty (c. 1004–985 BC), Dynasty VII: Elamite dynasty (c. 984–979 BC), Dynasty VIII: Dynasty of E (c. 978–732 BC), Dynasty IX: Assyrian dynasty (732–626 BC), Dynasty XI: Achaemenid dynasty (539–331 BC), Dynasty XIII: Seleucid dynasty (311–141 BC), Dynasty XIV: Arsacid dynasty (141 BC – AD 222). Most kings are known only from charters, some of which are forgeries, so great care is required in assigning dates to the kings. King of the Neo-Assyrian Empire: conquered Babylon, King of the Neo-Assyrian Empire: son of Tiglath-Pileser III, A Chaldean chief (Bit-Yakin tribe), seized power in Babylonia after Shalmaneser V's death, also known as, King of the Neo-Assyrian Empire: claimed to be the son of Tiglath-Pileser III, usurped the throne from Shalmaneser V, conquered Babylon in 710 BC, King of the Neo-Assyrian Empire: son of Sargon II, A Chaldean chief (Bit-Yakin tribe), previously king 722–710 BC, usurped the throne from Marduk-zakir-shumi II, Vassal king appointed by Sennacherib, son of Sennacherib. Inscriptions by Nabonidus refer to Sargon of Akkad as a "king of Babylon" rather than a "king of Akkad" and Nebuchadnezzar II's inscriptions call Naram-Sin, Sargon's son, his "forefather", rather than the more common terms "former king" or "predecessor". [32][31] Some Babylonian documents and lists of rulers suggest that certain earlier Mesopotamian dynasties were sometimes considered to be earlier Babylonian dynasties. English Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia. Most kings are known only from charters, some of which are forgeries, so great care is required in assigning dates to the kings. Alternatively seen as the only king of a brief "Shapi dynasty", preceding the Assyrian conquest. They were counted as kings of Babylon in later king lists, succeeding the Amorite dynasty despite overlapping reigns. By being titled as šakkanakki rather than šar, the Babylonian king thus showed reverence to the city's god. The Babylonians had resented their last native king, Nabonidus, over his religious practices and some of his political choices and Cyrus could thus claim to be the legitimate successor of the ancient Babylonian kings and the avenger of Baylon's national deity, Marduk. The first dynasty of kings was the Merovingian dynasty, which ruled until 751, followed by the second dynasty, the Carolingians, until 987 (with some interruptions). List of portuguese monarchs Definition from Encyclopedia Dictionaries & Glossaries. The rebel Nabopolassar, proclaimed as Babylon's king in 626 BC, successfully drove out the Assyrians from southern Mesopotamia and had united and consolidated all of Babylonia under his rule by 620 BC, founding the Neo-Babylonian Empire. Though early Achaemenid kings continued to place importance on Babylon and continued using the title "king of Babylon", later Achaemenid rulers being ascribed the title is probably only something done by the Babylonians themselves, with the kings having abandoned it. [44] Precise dates for the reigns of these kings are not known. Seleucid rulers (who briefly regained Babylon) are indicated with pink color. For presidents and other heads of state of Poland during the 20th and 21st centuries, see List of heads of state of Poland. SixteenthDynasty Nevertheless, it is often traditionally numbered the Second Dynasty of Babylon. Many of Babylon's kings were of foreign origin. As in the latter, contemporaneous dynasties are listed chronologically without comment. Glossary Introduction History of Babylonia Old Babylonian Period (2000 - 1595 BC) The Amorites, Isin and Larsa, Hammurapi of Babylon, Classical Period, The Language, Religion Law Science and the Arts, Babylon, The Kassites, The People of the Sealand, The Hittite Kingdom. Native Babylonians who rebelled against the ruling dynasty of the Neo-Assyrian Empire and attempted to restore Babylonia's independence are indicated with beige background color. Get Babylon's Dictionary & Translation Software Free Download Now! Harald's realm was later to be known as the Kingdom of Norway. List of monarchs of mercia in English The Kingdom of Mercia was a state in the English Midlands from the 6th century to the 10th. This is a list of monarchs of Wessex until 927. Though Babylonia never regained independence after the Achaemenid conquest, there were several attempts by Babylonians to drive out their foreign rulers and re-establish their kingdom, possibly as late as 336 BC under the rebel Nidin-Bel. Beaulieu (2018), who numbered the Chaldean/Neo-Babylonian dynasty as Dynasty X of Babylon, supplemented the foreign dynasties that ruled Babylon after the collapse of the Neo-Babylonian Empire to the native ones, designating the Achaemenid dynasty of the Persian Empire as Dynasty XI, the Argeads of Alexander the Great's empire as Dynasty XII, the Seleucids of the Seleucid Empire as Dynasty XIII and the Arsacids of the Parthian Empire as Dynasty XIV. The Dynastic Chronicle records rulers from the earliest legendary antediluvian kings of the Sumerian King List to Babylonian kings of the 8th century BC. the Kassite dynasty), the same region (i.e. King of the Parthian Empire: obscure Parthian king attested by some sources, Orodes I's more known successor, King of the Parthian Empire: son of Phraates III, King of the Parthian Empire: son of Phraates III, usurped the throne from Mithridates IV, King of the Parthian Empire: retook Babylon and the rest of Mesopotamia briefly 55–54 BC, King of the Parthian Empire: retook Babylon and the rest of Mesopotamia, King of the Parthian Empire: son of Orodes II, final ruler attested as king in Babylonian sources (in an astronomical diary from 5 BC), This page was last edited on 18 February 2021, at 09:59. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more). [4] "viceroy/governor of Babylon" emphasizes the political dominion of the city, whereas the other two refer to southern Mesopotamia as a whole. The others are based on estimates made by Fritz Hintze. the dynasties of Babylon and Isin). [31] As such, modern historians consider it to be the city's first dynasty of kings. The chief priest removed the regalia from the king, slapped him across the face and made him kneel before Marduk's statue. [28][29] The generally accepted Babylonian dynasties should not be understood as familial groupings in the same vein as the term is commonly used by historians for ruling families in later kingdoms and empires. The Parthian kings were styled in inscriptions as LUGAL (the inscription of šar). [32], The First Sealand dynasty might only have ruled Babylonia itself for the briefest of periods, being based in formerly Sumerian regions south of it. The list of kings below follows the dynastic arrangement of kings presented in Beaulieu (2018),[31] with some of the names of the dynasties and the regnal dates of kings following Chen (2020). Synonym of List of monarchs of sussex: English Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia List of monarchs of Sussex This list of kings and ealdormen of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Sussex contains substantial gaps, and many of the dates from this time are unreliable. No authentic South Saxon king list or genealogy exists. For the majority of its existence as an independent kingdom, Babylon ruled most of southern Mesopotamia, composed of the ancient regions of Sumer and Akkad. Nabonidus's rule was ended through Babylon being conquered by Cyrus the Great of the Achaemenid Empire. List of Spanish monarchs. [74], When exactly Babylon was abandoned is unclear. These include those leaders who also ruled Ancient Egypt and those who ruled during famous invasions or famous trade expeditions. Some historians place an additional Parthian king, There are a handful of later cuneiform tablets, but none explicitly name a king. [38], The Babylonians continued to recognize the monarchs of later empires that ruled Babylonia as kings of Babylon. (previous page) () Archaeological evidence and the writings of Abba Arikha (c. 219 AD) indicate that at least the temples of Babylon were still active in the early 3rd century. Vassal kings, sometimes appointed instead of the Assyrian king ruling Babylonia directly, are indicated with darker grey background color. The Akkadian (Babylonian) names of the monarchs listed here follow how their names are rendered in these lists, as well as how their names are rendered in contract tablets. This article lists the monarchs of Persia from the establishment of the Median Empire by Medes around 705 BC until the deposition of the Pahlavi dynasty in 1979.. The Babylonian King List is not merely a list of kings of Babylon, but is a very specific ancient list of supposed Babylonian kings recorded in several ancient locations, and related to its predecessor, the Sumerian King List.As in the latter, contemporaneous dynasties are listed chronologically without comment. The list of Norwegian monarchs ( or kongerekka) begins in 872, the traditional dating of the Battle of Hafrsfjord, after which the victorious Harald Fairhair merged several petty kingdoms into that of his father. The first dynasty of kings was the Merovingian dynasty, which ruled until 751, followed by the second dynasty, the Carolingians, until 987 (with some interruptions). Karduniaš was the Kassite name for the kingdom centered on Babylon and its territory. Native Babylonians who rebelled against the Achaemenids and attempted to restore Babylonia's independence are indicated with beige background color. [59][60][61], Babylonian king lists continue to consider the monarchs of the Hellenistic Seleucid dynasty, which succeeded the Argeads in Mesopotamia and Persia, as Kings of Babylon. List of monarchs of mercia Definition from Encyclopedia Dictionaries & Glossaries. Get Babylon's Dictionary & Translation Software Free Download Now! King of the Neo-Assyrian Empire: restored control of Babylonia. Other titles frequently used by the Babylonian monarchs included the geographical titles king of Sumer and Akkad (Akkadian: šar māt Šumeri u Akkadi) and king of Karduniash (Akkadian: šar Karduniaš), "Karduniash" being the name applied to Babylon's kingdom by the city's third dynasty (the Kassites). This list includes all those who were attributed to the dynasty in Babylonian king lists, but modern historians vary in how many kings they view the dynasty as encompassing, ranging from all of them to just the final five. Rebel leaders (though none were native Babylonians) and local rulers/usurpers who seized the city and were recognized as kings of Babylon by the Babylonians are marked with light blue color. Synonym of List of monarchs of east anglia: English Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia List of monarchs of East Anglia The kingdom of East Anglia, (also known as the kingdom of the East Angles), was a small independent Anglo-Saxon kingdom that comprised what are now the English counties of Norfolk and Suffolk and perhaps the eastern part of the Fens. [29] In some cases, kings known to be genealogically related, such as Eriba-Marduk and his grandson Marduk-apla-iddina II, were separated into different dynasties, the former designated as belonging to the Dynasty of E and the latter as belonging to the (Third) Sealand dynasty.[30]. Podle jednoho nápisu byl Sargon v Babylóně králem pět let. Former monarchies similar to or like List of monarchs of Persia. Vassal kings are indicated with darker grey background color. [37] There is also evidence that the kings of Babylon's last native dynasty, the Chaldean or Neo-Babylonian, dynasty looked to the rulers of the Akkadian Empire as Babylon's real first dynasty and to Sargon of Akkad as the founder of their kingdom. the dynasties of the Sealand) or the same city (i.e. [26] The frequent Babylonian revolts against foreign rulers, such as the Assyrians and the Persians, can most likely be attributed to the Assyrian and Persian kings being perceived as failing in their duties as Babylonian monarchs. There are three versions, one known as "King List A" (containing all the kings from the First Dynasty of Babylon to the Neo-Assyrian king Kandalanu) and "King List B" (containing only the two first … Though Babylon's first dynasty did form a dynastic grouping where all monarchs were related, the dynasties of the first millennium BC, notably the Dynasty of E, did not constitute a series of coherent familial relationships at all. The latest datable tablet is W22340a, dated to 79/80 AD (from the reign of Parthian king, sfn error: no target: CITEREFMieroop2015 (, "The Fourth Year of Hostilities in the Land", "Nabopolassar and the Antiquity of Babylon", "Increasingly Redundant: The Growing Obsolescence of the Cuneiform Script in Babylonia from 539 BC", "Babylonian and Assyrian: A history of Akkadian", "The Chaldean Assyrian Syriac people of Iraq: an ethnic identity problem", "Almanac W22340a From Uruk: The Latest Datable Cuneiform Tablet", "The Personality of Xerxes, King of Kings", "An Unrecognized Vassal King of Babylon in the Early Achaemenid Period: Part 4", "The titles 'King of Sumer and Akkad' and 'King of Karduniaš', and the Assyro-Babylonian relationship during the Sargonid Period", "Observations and predictions of eclipse times by astronomers in the pre-telescopic period", "The Antiochus Cylinder, Babylonian Scholarship and Seleucid Imperial Ideology", "The struggle of king Sargon II of Assyria against the Chaldaean Merodach-Baladan (710-707 B.C. Later historians have provided varying dynastic arrangements of the kings. Get Babylon's Dictionary & Translation Software Free Download Now! No authentic South Saxon king list or genealogy exists. Synonym of List of monarchs of mercia: English Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia List of monarchs of Mercia The Kingdom of Mercia was a state in the English Midlands from the 6th century to the 10th. [22] Marduk's main cult image (often conflated with the god himself), the Statue of Marduk, was prominently used in the coronation rituals for the kings, who received their crowns "out of the hands" of Marduk during the New Year's festival, symbolizing them being bestowed with kingship by the deity. [8], The Babylonian kings derived their right to rule from divine appointment by Babylon's patron deity Marduk and through consecration by the city's priests. The Babylonian King List is not merely a list of kings of Babylon, but is a very specific ancient list of supposed Babylonian kings recorded in several ancient locations, and related to its predecessor, the Sumerian King List.
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