Steam Workshop: Source Filmmaker. Buster closes the box as Monty sarcastically states that Buster is going to saw him in half. The bus leaves, revealing the elderly lady to be flattened. Monty is outraged, and snatches the magic hat and stomps on it. The Tiny Toons are kid versions of the famous Warner Bros. cartoon characters. Not that!" When she emerges from the ground, she finds out she's not in the Kalamazoo Carrot Convention. She kisses Dizzy and runs away. Plucky then goes to the Empire State Building, and decides he needs a rest. Buster and Babs describe the episode as a "viewer request" day. After Presto leaves, Buster decides to get revenge on Monty, as he cost him and Presto their jobs. Buster opens the box, and Monty is inside. The soldiers sing, "Oh, we'll... jump, jump, jump, for justice! Reply. Please note that all episodes are listed by production order. A first DVD collection compiled the first half of the series, with this new set finishing off the final 30, with hopefully the shorter second season arriving in a single edition at a future date. She then puts Dizzy in a graduation gown and cap, and dusts him off. Plucky is voiced by Joe Alaskey (who also voices Daffy Duck in future appearances). But, do NOT delete any. ", and the soldiers sing the theme song, and jump, chop and stomp Plucky again. Also, the opening titles are handled by TMS Entertainment. Inside the giant space shuttle, Plucky proclaims himself as Duck Daring, Guardian of the Galaxy. Notably the very first animated film to be released directly to video in the United States, it was originally … Please send us a quick note with your additions or corrections to this page, and we will make the corrections as soon as possible! Presto performs a magic trick where he pulls a rabbit out of his hat. Yet another great and hilarious tickling scene from Tiny Toon Adventures! Surely you have an opinion... so share what you think. Complete parodies list Tiny Toon Adventures/2 Stupid Dogs Tiny Toon Adventures… She hits Dizzy with her pointer, and he dizzily was back out the door. At the top of the Building, Plucky meets King Kong, and Ann Darrow (who he calls Chuckles), and introduces her and Shirley to each other. Let us know what you think! Reply Delete. Welcome to the Tiny Toon Adventures mini wiki at Scratchpad! Monty tells Buster that since it's his birthday, he should be the magician. Most episodes are either divided into three seven-minute segments with wraparounds before each segment, or a single segment of approximately 22 … Part 1 of 2. Back to the birthing of Animaniacs! Watch Gang Busters. The Tiny Toons are basically kid-versions of other historic Looney Tunes. That eliminates every other possible choice. This page has been viewed 95 times this month, and 839 times total. Buster then puts the box back together, and Monty escapes the box to prove that Buster's magic is fake. He challenges Buster to see his magic act. If so, we would love to hear from you. Dizzy cries loudly, and Babs tells him that Lady Babs' Charm school can turn a hopeless slob like him into the most popular monster in town, and leads him to a door. Tiny Toon Adventures: How I Spent My Vacation (originally titled How I Spent My Summer Vacation), is a direct-to-video animated film starring the characters from Tiny Toon Adventures.The film follows them during their summer vacation from school. Cartoons Tiny Toon Adventures. He gives Shirley to King Kong, and walks off the Empire State Building, falling hundreds of feet below, and his impact causes several buildings to shake and collapse. One more round! 1 Inside Plucky Duck/Transcript 1.1 Act One 1.1.1 Bat's All Folks! Plucky finally stars in a cartoon, but the viewers get to decide what happens to him.
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