Friar knows Juliet’s state of mind from earlier when she says to him “I long to die.”/ (IV, i, 66), but he leaves her alone in the tomb despite this, because he hears voices coming. Juliet’s alive, Tybalt’s dead, and he’s got a lighter punishment. In light of Romeo and Juliet’s suicide, Prince Escalus declares, “some shall be pardoned, … Romeo goes to Friar Laurence ’s chambers. This is dear mercy, and thou seest it not. Friar Laurence should be pardoned due to the fact that he was brave enough to stick around and tell the truth after Romeo and Juliet are discovered dead in the Capulet crypt by their families. The Friar on the other hand, is not so innocent. He should be punished for his role in helping Romeo and Juliet get married because he is the adult in the situation and should have known the consequences, his spontaneous acts led to tragedy, and he brought grief to both Capulet and Montague. Question: Which lines from Act III, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet show Friar Laurence believes Romeo should be grateful for his punishment? Friar Lawrence has shown he is the main cause to Romeo and Juliet’s death in many different ways. Friar Lawrence is presented as a “holy man” who is trusted and respected by the community because he is a priest. Enter ⌜ Friar ⌝ Lawrence. thou fond mad man, hear me but speak a word. Friar Laurence’s personality, motives , and actions, impact the characters of Romeo and Juliet and the overall outcome of the entire tragedy at the end of … It happens. He is a member of a group of wise priests that … Friar Laurence should be pardoned due to the fact that he was brave enough to stick around and tell the truth after Romeo and Juliet are discovered dead in the Capulet crypt by their families. So- NO, I don't believe the good Friar should be punished. The things most responsible for Romeo and Juliet's death are Friar Lawrence, themselves, and the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets. a gentler judgment vanish’d from his lips, this is dear mercy, and thou seest it not. Friar Laurence’s character flaws greatly impacted the end result of the play. Friar Laurence is guilty as he should have realised that Romeo and Juliet were still very young and rushing them into a secret marriage would only complicate things further and lead them to suicide. One of the people who had good intentions and should be pardoned, is Friar Laurence. Friar Laurence, who has been Romeo's friend and confessor for some time, is confused and concerned about Romeo's sudden change of heart. Romeo states that death would be more merciful, but Friar Laurence assures Romeo that now he has the chance to see the world. FRIAR JOHN 5 Going to find a barefoot brother out, One of our order, to associate me, FRIAR JOHN Holy Franciscan friar, brother, ho! The guilt and regret he feels for doing those acts should be a sufficient punishment till the day he dies. 7 9 May 2013 The Punished and the Pardoned The woeful tale of Juliet and her Romeo ended with numerous casualties, casualties that could have been avoided if not for mistakes made by characters in the play. 3. The tragedy of Friar Laurence is that his hubris did indeed lead to the circumstances that caused the death of the young teens in his care. The Friar, afraid to be caught by the Watch and to be held accountable for his actions, runs away from the unstable Juliet. It seems very evident that Friar Laurence and the nurse should be pardoned, and the Montagues and Capulets should be punished as a result of the tragic events. Questions; Literature. The Friar’s punishment was fair, as he really didn’t do any crime punishable by the law, but rather some morally wrong deeds. Friar Laurence is a key character in Romeo and Juliet. Through his lack of organization and judgment, Friar Laurence is highly responsible for the deaths of both Romeo and Juliet. Throughout the text Friar Laurence helps Romeo and Juliet plan and scheme their marriage. 2. Friar Laurence(Lawrence) is angry with Romeo in Act III, Scene 3 because he feels Romeo is being ungrateful, narrow-minded, and irrational. ... Friar Laurence welcomes the punishment that may … Be patient, for the world is broad and wide. Another thing he should not have done is not run away when Juliet needed him the most. The Friar should be punished for his poorly made decisions throughout Shakespeare’s story. THeir arms are the only thing connecting them and this is like how What plan does Friar Laurence reveal to Romeo? 3 reasons friar thinks romeo should be happy juliet is alive, tybalt is dead not romeo, he has just been exiled not killed. O brother Montague, give me thy hand. Whom should be "Punished" One of the people who had good intentions and should be pardoned, is Friar Laurence. I said that he shouldn't be punsihed because he was trying to end the feud and that Romeo and Juliet would have still be … Friar Laurence is clearly uncomfortable with his role as arbiter of the young lovers’ trials and tribulations—but at the same time, he longs to bring peace to his community, and believes that in uniting Romeo and Juliet he may be able to put to rest the ancient feud between their families. What earlier speech from Act 2 do these words of Friar Laurence recall? Friar Laurence as a member of the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church is clearly in the wrong for his performing a marriage ceremony for Romeo and Juliet. Romeo And Juliet Who Should Be Punished And Who Should Be Pardoned. Friar Laurence’s Motives Friar Laurence plays a big part of the play because he is the person that most of main characters go to for advice. As a member of the Order of St. Francis, a group of wise and generous priests, Romeo and Juliet trusted Friar Laurence completely, turning to him for advice, and solutions. Friar Laurence hides Romeo after he kills Tybalt and talks with Juliet to work out plans to prevent her from marrying Paris and staying with Romeo. Friar Laurence should be pardoned due to the fact that he was brave enough to stick around and tell the truth after Romeo and Juliet are discovered dead in the Capulet crypt by their families. Whilst the actions of Juliet's Nurse and Friar Lawrence partially contribute to the play's tragic nature, I believe that it was a number of factors, notably fate with a combination of individual weaknesses, that brought about the play's tragic ending. Thou fond mad man, hear me but speak a word. When Friar He is a Franciscan monk who lives on his own in a humble shack in the countryside near Verona. One reason why Friar Laurence is at fault is because in Act Two, Scene Three, Romeo asks Friar Lawrence to marry him and Juliet secretly. Answers: 2 on a question: Which lines from act iii, scene iii of romeo and juliet show friar laurence believes romeo should be grateful for his punishment? Normally, for killing a man, such as Tybalt, the punishment would be death. ... Friar Laurence welcomes the punishment that may … Explain the princes judgment and why he makes this ruling: Romeo is banished from Verona: Where is Romeo hiding? You should look closely at language and character in your answer. Enter Friar John. Friar Lawrence should have made sure Romeo confirmed the plan before poisoning Juliet. Friar Laurence did bring the families together, but it was with death rather than marriage. He was there throughout Romeo’s and Juliet's lives; he married them, came up with a plan to keep them together, and was a friend throughout their tragedies. Romeo and Juliet. By being alone and with no one to stop her, Juliet ended up killing herself. In the end, Friar Laurence is the one that has committed the biggest sin. From the beginning he did the best for Romeo, Juliet and both families. His fear of being punished for his actions, and for the deaths of Romeo and Paris motivates him to leaving that tomb, which leads to the death of Juliet. Why I chose the picture Why I chose the picture #1 This picture represents the qote because in the photo there are two lovers however they are wearing opposite colors which represent the feud between the families. The Friar is linked to both the Capulet’s and the Montague’s through religion and the church. In Scene 3, why is Friar Laurence concerned about Romeo's request to marry Juliet? “Thus with a kiss I die.” (5.3.120) The Nurse has assisted more than she has harmed. be patient, for the world is broad and wide. FRIAR LAWRENCE This same should be the voice of Friar John.— Welcome from Mantua. Friar Laurences Cell: What is Friar laurence’s `opinion of Romeo’s punishment? i bring thee tidings of the prince’s doom. wailing and moaning irrationally about his fate. What happend to Romeo & Juliet was "punishment" enough. A gentler judgment vanish’d from his lips, 4. Friar Lawrence plays a major role in Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet. Other than Romeo and Juliet, who friar lawrence romeo and juliet essay are the most important characters in the play?. Romeo and Juliet were punished severely for the crimes that they had committed. I have an essay for Romeo and Juliet, asking if Friar Laurence should be punished for his involvement in the marriage. Why? Romeo falls in love too quickly. He is a kind of doctor, gathering herbs, from which he makes medicines for various conditions. Unfortunately- the Law of "Unintended Consequences" kicked in- & his whole "plan" went terribly wrong. What says Romeo? Scene 3 Romeo travels to the cell of Friar Laurence, who has been out in the fields all morning gathering herbs.. Friar Laurence feels pity for Romeo, who seems “wedded to calamity.” Romeo asks what punishment Prince Escalus has handed down, and the friar tells Romeo he is to be banished. This essay will give evidence on why these people shall be pardoned or punished. He should be happy and feel lucky, for it could have been worse. Friar Laurence's plan is that Romeo should. (V, 3, 232) Tybalt could also be held accountable for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. I have an essay for Romeo and Juliet, asking if Friar Laurence should be punished for his involvement in the marriage. ... Romeo first responds to the news of the Prince's punishment by. Friar Lawrence plays a strong central character throughout the play, Romeo and Juliet. ... Friar Laurence welcomes the punishment that may … Or, if his mind be writ, give me his letter. For example, at first Friar Laurence agreed to marry them because he thought it would end the Friar Lawrence causes the deaths of Romeo and Juliet by marrying them too quickly, advancing with his plan too quickly, and running away instead of helping Juliet. Friar Lawrence told Romeo he had doubts because they had just met, also, Romeo had just been so in love with Rosaline the day before, and should wait. Friar Laurence’s decisions made from cowardice ultimately lead to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. They think its forced or driven: What three reasons does Friar give Romeo to show that he should be happy? He performs their marriage and gives generally good advice, especially in regard to the need for moderation. Cheerful and excited, Romeo greets the Friar and tells him of his new love and plans for marriage. Upon Juliet’s awakening from the sleeping potion, she sees Romeo and Paris dead. Friar has never felt real love before and he has never loved someone else: What argument does Friar Laurence use to prevent Romeo from killing himself? 1.
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