NBME Answers & Explanations — Updated daily need help with your account ... 19 NBME 18 NBME 17 NBME 16 NBME 15 NBME 13 ⋅ Step 2 CK Free 120 Step 2 CK Form 6 Step 2 CK Form 7 Step 2 CK Form 8 home login register ⋅ ... neurology⚡ = movement (and thinking) coordinator • Cough threshold is raised after surgery and mucociliary escalator may be inhibited by ET intubation, • ABCDE primary survey - must evaluate cervical spine to ensure airway isn’t/wont become compromised, • Abdomen is non tender, lungs are clear to auscultation and CXR is normal - no need for further abdominal or chest imaging, 31) Phosphorus • young, non-productive cough, low grade fever with patchy or diffuse interstitial infiltrate = atypical mycoplasma pneumonia, 4) Legionella pneumophila • Enema → washout of hard stools/constipation in the bowel, 2) Size of the abnormality • Carotid bruit = atherosclerosis of carotid artery; atherosclerosis in one vessel indicates multi vessel disease → RAS secondary to atherosclerosis, 6) Erythropoietin • Adhesions from hysterectomy (previous surgery), active bowel sounds in rush with abdominal cramps, constipation = SBO obstruction, 42) Direct pressure to the bleeding laceration, • Closed reduction can be delayed up to 72 hours in presence of more severe injuries, • Don’t need transfusion at the moment since the patient is stable (SBP > 100) on crystalloids, 43) Laparotomy • Weight loss → ↓ pressure on joints → ↓ risk of OA, 34) Prerenal azotemia • Usually appears on hairy areas (eg, scalp behind ears, beard, etc. • Positive margins → reexcision (must remove cancer before proceeding with adjuvant therapy), 36) Pyoderma gangrenosum Setting up a Rasa NLU pipeline. • Hyperventilation washes out the CO2 → cerebral vasoconstriction → ↓ ICP, 41) Complete small-bowel obstruction • Associated with HIV & Parkinson disease, 18) Switch from heparin to direct thrombin inhibitor therapy Surgery NBME 1 Answers. Flashcards. Nbme neurology form 5 answers. E 11. • Pneumonia + diarrhea = legionnaires disease ... Neurology NBME Form 1. • Celias disease → villous blunting → ↓ D-xylose absorption, 10) Three-drug antiretroviral therapy only, • Start antiretrovirals straight away regardless of CD4 count, • Need to use three because of increased resistance, • No need for P. jiroveci prophylaxis because CD4 count >200, 11) Direct current countershock • Reinfected himself from scratching his foot and then touching his groin area, • Resistance is unlikely since the rash went away with the first treatment, 28) Discharge home with home hospice care To stop, release the enter key. NBME Surgery Form 4 - Answers & Explanations • Bladder dome rupture → urine leakage (→ anuria) → chemical peritonitis → lower abdominal pain • Next step: cystourethrogram Her son says that her ability to function has declined during the past 4 months, but she has not had any specific complaints. Gravity. • Sitz bath → ↑ blood flow to area of fissure → promotes/accelerates healing, 48) Hypomagnesemia • The right PPRF send a signal to the left medial rectus via the left MLF; weakness of left adduction upon right gaze indicates a problem at the left MLF, 14) Calcification of a bicuspid aortic valve Submit errata here, NBME Surgery Form 4 - Answers & Explanations. NBME Medicine Form 4 - Answers & Explanations • Compression of sacral nerves by tumor → Cauda Equine syndrome (B/L paralysis and numbness of LE, urinary incontinence... • MRI is the modality of choice to diagnose nerve root compression Need a little help preparing for your shelf exam? • Direct current countershock = DC cardioversion • Without treatment, the life expectancy for stage IV non-small cell lung carcinoma is < 6 months, • Alarm symptoms (dysphagia, weight loss, or anemia) → EGD, • 2+ blood with no RBCs = myoglobinuria from rhabdo, 31) Prosthetic aortic valve Download NBME Clinical Mastery Series with Answers. STUDY. NBME Clinical Science Mastery Series (CSMS) with Official Website’s Answers (PDFs) The NBME provides a variety of web-based self-assessments to US and international medical students and graduates. • Multiple bowel procedures → ↑ risk of adhesions (#1 cause of SBO), 36) Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia • Sigmoidoscopy to untwist the sigmoid volvulus • Wide QRS complex = ventricular tachycardia → shock, • This patients high amylase indicates there is a blockage at the pancreatic duct, and the elevated direct bilirubin indicates a blockage of the common bile duct, 13) Left medial longitudinal fasciculus • Bloody nipple discharge with no palpable masses, 24) Increased pulmonary vascular resistance • Dx: biopsy • Mass with central scar (characteristic feature) = focal nodular hyperplasia, • Managed conservatively - no malignant potential, • Rupture of aneurysm → abrupt change in ICP (other options wouldn’t cause an abrupt change), 22) Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm • ACEi → ↓ glomerular hyper-filtration associated with DM, • Hemorrhagic stroke are commonly caused by HTN, • Although weight reduction of 10kg lowers BP by 5-20 mmHg, this patient has already suffered a complication of HTN and must be treated aggressively with BP medication (while he continues to make lifestyle changes), 26) Autoinfection Form1 With Answers Pediatrics NBME (1) ... NEURO FORM 4 … • Hospitalized patient taking antibiotics and PPI with fever and abdominal pain, 40) Intubation with hyperventilation • Adenocarcinoma (hypercoagulable state) and prosthetic valves both require anticoagulation, but prosthetic valves require a higher INR - prosthetic valves have a higher chance of throwing a clot, • Low TSH → Iodine 123 scintigraphy (cold nodules → FNA, hot nodule → treat hyperthyroidism), 33) Weight loss Surgery NBME 1 Answers. Learn. Need a little help preparing for your shelf exam? Learn neuro nbme with free interactive flashcards. • Profound magnesium depletion → ↓ PTH release → hypocalcemia, 49) Streptococcus pyogenes (group A) Neuro NBME Form 1. G 13. • Endoscopy can confirm diagnosis of hiatal hernia and rule out malignancy (patient has red flag symptoms/history), • Popliteal artery aneurysm → acute limb ischemia due to thrombosis of aneurysm or acute thromboembolism, • Runoff = visualization of vessels beyond the occlusion, 15) Ulcerative colitis Created by. You are on page 1 of 49. • Systolic ejection murmur at the young age of 19 indicates a congenital cause, • Aortic stenosis (due to calcified bicuspid aortic valve) → ↑ LV pressure → hypertrophy and stiffening of the LV → S4, 15) Supraspinatus tendon • Pleural effusion with extensive soft tissue densities (pleural plaques), 18) Transfusion of packed red blood cells, • Macroangiopathic anemia due to mechanical shearing → schistocytes → replace with pRBCs, • No thrombocytopenia (like in TTP), thus no need for whole blood, 19) Enteral tube feedings Jump to Page . • Having foreskin (lack of circumcision) acts as a nidus for infection/inflammation, 13) Esophagogastroduodenoscopy E 9. • ↑ gastrin → ↑ acid levels → erosion of of mucosa/vessels → hematemesis, 9) Slipped capital femoral epiphysis • GCS < 8 → intubate and hyperventilate • The survival rate in any year for any group is the slope of the survival curve during that time period for that group. CMS Neuro 1 Answers. • Elderly uncircumcised man with ulcer growing in size over 6 months • Red, tender painful plaque with sharply demarcated edges, 50) Biopsy of the mass • A supine, hospitalized patient aspirates to the right upper lobe (dependent portion), 47) Sitz bath NBME WITH CORRECT ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS ~~~ By Leo, Mileide, Dominique, Rosa, Michele.. NBME Explanations & accurate answers will be posted at the following places. Group B at year 3-4 has the most negative slope which translates to biggest decline in survival, or poorest survival rate. • Pain over lateral deltoid, awaking at night (lying on affected shoulder) and pain elicited from abduction against resistance = rotator cuff pathology, • 3+ blood with no RBC’s → rhabdo → myoglobinuria → ATN, 17) Seborrheic dermatitis The self-assessments are not intended to predict performance on the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) or NBME subject examinations. • Tx: Nigro chemoradiation protocol followed by surgery, Found a mistake or have a suggestion? • Associated with inflammatory bowel disease, • Sharply demarcated ulcer with purulent base, 37) Stricture of the distal esophagus Henry_Feng6. • Alcoholic → poor nutrition → ↑ risk of hypomagnesemia NBME OBGYN2 6 Wrong With Answers Searchable (2) CMS Psychiatry 1 Form. • PTU and methimazole → neutropenia, 9) Villous atrophy in the small bowel Write. 45) Labetalol To stop, release the enter key. Correct Answers Available for NBME Self-Assessments Beginning July 2 Correct Answers Available for NBME Self-Assessments Beginning July 2. • Suspect cardiac etiology in someone with hx heart disease and abnormal EKG (Q waves are from previous MI), 38) Increasing the dose of lisinopril Elite Medical Prep can help with personalized 1-on-1 tutoring. • Holosystolic murmur indicates the VSD wasn’t successfully repaired, 25) Adhesions G 12. Elite Medical Prep can help with personalized 1-on-1 tutoring. • Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia → stop all heparin products and start a direct thrombin inhibitor or fondaparinux, • Chronic alcohol use with asymmetric arthritis, • Compression of sacral nerves by tumor → Cauda Equine syndrome (B/L paralysis and numbness of LE, urinary incontinence (overflow), saddle anesthesia, absent DTRs below the knee), • MRI is the modality of choice to diagnose nerve root compression, • Increased lucency at lung bases in young patient → panacinar emphysema, • Single enlarged LN, pruritis, and absence on pharyngeal erythema make Hodgkin disease more likely than mono, • Pathologic lymphocytes are confined to affected nodes (unless a leukemic transformation occurs) which is why leukocyte count is not elevated, 23) Addition of lisinopril to the medication regimen 64% (14) 64% found this document useful (14 votes) 6K views 20 pages. Save Save CMS Neuro 4 Answers For Later. • Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the anus is more common in HIV+, ○ There is higher prevalence of high-risk anal HPV strains and anal cancer in HIV+ patients, ○ There is a close relationship between HPV and SCC • High ALP + narrow bile ducts = Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), • Starting anticoagulation in a hemodynamically stable patients 48-72 hours after surgery is generally safe and wont increase the risk of bleeding, 17) Asbestos • Need giemsa stain to visualize chlamydia (gram stain does not work), • Would show intracellular organisms if it were Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 43) Oral contraceptive therapy ... Neurology NBME Form 1. No matter how much you prepare, sometimes the correct answer may not be apparent to you. • Chronic kidney disease → ↓ EPO production, 7) Pamidronate CMS-Neuro-1-Answers.pdf. PLAY. Here’s the complete overview of NBME STEP 2 CK Form 1, 2, 3, 4 Offline With Answers: The NBME offers three web-based self-assessments to medical students and graduates evaluating their readiness to take USMLE exam. C Carotid sinus hypersensitivity.Hypersensitivity of the afferent or efferent limbs of the carotid sinus reflex arc results in vagal activation and/or sympathetic inhibition, which leads to bradycardia and/or vasodilation; this is also called the carotid sinus syndrome or carotid sinus syncope. B 10. • Hyperparathyroidism → hypercalcemia, bone resorption, and ↑ excretion of phosphorus, 32) Meckel diverticulum Project has been on since 4 months and is finally done. • Short term treatment of hypercalcemia is normal saline and calcitonin, • Long term treatment of hypercalcemia is bisphosphonates, 8) Drug induced neutropenia Test. National Board of Medical Examiners Obstetrics & Gynecology Self-Assessment 1. • O2 supplementation → ↓ respiratory drive → retained CO2 (hypercarbia), 3) Mycoplasma pneumoniae • Na < 10, FENa < 1, BUN/CR ration >20, 35) Obstruction of the small bowel • Pertechnetate scan uptake by heterotypic gastric mucosa, 33) Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (Hashimoto disease) • Hospitalized patient on ventilation → ↑ risk of aspiration (→ abscess) C 15. • Decreases HR, BP and LV contractility (less aortic wall stress) • Free air under diaphragm = perforated viscus → Ex-Lap, • Bladder dome rupture → urine leakage (→ anuria) → chemical peritonitis → lower abdominal pain, • Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia is treated with medication (mineralcorticoid receptor antagonists), • Unilateral adrenal hyperplasia is surgically removed, 46) Lung abscess • Jejunostomy should be used for enteral feedings (more patient autonomy, less expensive, and less adverse reactions in comparison to TPN), 20) No further testing is indicated A 32-year-old woman, gravida 5, para 4, at 40 weeks' gest... (National Board of Medical Examination) NBME form … NBME Peds Form 2 Answers. • OCPs prevent endometrial hyperplasia due to unopposed estrogen in PCOS, • Clomiphene or metformin can be used to induce ovulation, • Steepest negative slope = biggest decline in survival. • Chronic constipation, LLQ pain, tenderness, bloody stools, fever, Found a mistake or have a suggestion? • Hypotension and Sudden collapse with lower back pain, 23) Intraductal papilloma Posted July 5, 2018 The search is over. * CMS Neuro Form 4 pls help #829172 : doc2530 - 07/16/16 12:31 : 1. Spell. To play, press and hold the enter key. Shelf Percentiles MEDICINE. • Displaced epiphysis relative to femoral neck → hip/knee pain with limp, • Common cause of hip pain and limping in children following a viral infection (cold or diarrhea), 11) Removal of the percutaneous intravenous catheter after completion of piperacillin and tazobactam therapy, • Patient had line in for 6 weeks (way over his 14 day abx course) → bacteremia → infective endocarditis, • PIC lines → ↑ risk for catheter-associated bloodstream infections, 12) Penile cancer And later you may not remember the question or the answer you chose. Match. morphine), 27) Debridement and application of a sterile dressing to the open wound, • Shouldn’t close any dirty/infected wounds - closure, grafting or a flap would just incubate the bacteria, • Should cover gram (+) and anaerobes using amoxicillin and clavulanate, 28) Immediate surgical exploration of the upper abdomen, • Free air under diaphragm = perforated viscus → Ex-Lap, 29) Impaired cough mechanism Search Results: CMS Neuro Form 4 pls help - USMLE Forum * CMS Neuro Form 4 pls help #829172 : doc2530 - 07/16/16 12:31 : 1. • Pulse temperature dissociation (fever with relative bradycardia), 5) Renal artery stenosis A 77­-year­-old woman is brought to the physician by her son because she recently has become unable to take care of herself or walk independently. Terms in this set (90) Neuro 1 An 84-year-old man is evaluated for a 5-year history of a gradually worsening gait and a 2-year history of cognitive impairment and urinary incontinence. Choose from 244 different sets of neuro nbme flashcards on Quizlet. Submit errata here, NBME Medicine Form 4 - Answers & Explanations. 1) X-ray of the chest Exam Answers Free. • ↓ Cardiac index, ↓ pulm arterial pressure, ↓ PCWP, ↑ SVR = hypovolemic shock, • Anaphylactic shock: ↓ SVR, ↑ cardiac index, • Cardiogenic shock: ↓ cardiac index, ↑ PCWP, • Typical scenario after insertion of central line (iatrogenic pneumothorax is a common, • Decreased breath sounds, JVD, shortness of breath, • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (gastrinoma) • Rectal tube is left in to ↓ chance of recurrence in the acute setting, 35) Reexcision of the biopsy site Choose from 54 different sets of neuro nbme flashcards on Quizlet. NBME Answers & Explanations — Updated daily need help with your account ... 21 NBME 20 NBME 19 NBME 18 NBME 17 NBME 16 NBME 15 NBME 13 ⋅ Step 2 CK Free 120 Step 2 CK Form 6 Step 2 CK Form 7 Step 2 CK Form 8 home ️login ️ ... neurology… fentanyl patch, oxycodone) + short acting opioids for breakthrough pain (etc. Learn neuro nbme with free interactive flashcards Nbme neurology form 4 answers. Many students have expressed interest in having explanations for correct and incorrect answers on NBME® Self-Assessments.In 2020, answer explanations were added to Medicine forms 3, 4, 5 and 6; Surgery forms 3, 4, 5 and 6; and Obstetrics/Gynecology forms 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Clinical Mastery Series. E 14. • Antibodies against thyroid peroxidase (antimicrosomal) and thyroglobulin, 34) Sigmoidoscopy-guided placement of a rectal tube Please like page, join group and subscribe to channel if you want it. • Dysphagia for solids not liquids = mechanical rather than motor problem, • 10 units of blood will lead to extreme amounts of RBC breakdown, • Direct:Indirect bilirubin ratio is 1:1 indicating that the problem does not have to do with excretion, 39) Clostridium difficile infection Download now. 8. • History of surgery with symptoms of bowel obstruction - most commonly due to adhesions, • Severe cancer pain awakening the patient from sleep should be treated with long acting opioids (etc. ), • Greasy looking yellowish scaly rash • Larger AV fistula → ↑ venous return → high cardiac output heart failure, 3) Increased scrotal temperature • Corrected reticulocyte count is ~1.2%, meaning there is not enough marrow stimulation Search inside document . To play, press and hold the enter key. • Group A strep is the MCC of erysipelas • Lisinopril is kidney protective and lowers BP - her BP remains above the goal of <140/<90, • ↑ age → stiffening of vessels → ↓ compliance, • Area of necrosis (eschar) needs to be removed, 42) Chlamydia trachomatis • Stasis of venous blood → ↑ temp → damage to sperm, 5) Carotid plaque • D-xylose depends only on viable mucosa (not enzymatic breakdown) for absorption in the proximal small bowel CMS Neuro 4 Answers. • Nitro/hydralazine lower BP via vessel wall dilation, which can cause further stress and exacerbate the tear on the aorta, 46) Laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation, • This patient has epiglottitis - the airway must be secured, • Pulmonary barotrauma can occur if the diver fails to expel air from lungs during ascent; as he swims up to the surface the volume of gas expands → pneumothorax, 49) Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), • Symptomatic pseudocysts are drained with ERCP, 50) Diverticulitis Need a little help preparing for your shelf exam? 1) Enemas The NBME Clinical Mastery Series is basically a web-based application which helps to support the US and overseas medical students an opportunity to prepare a self-assessment of clinical knowledge learned during medical institutions or clinical clerkship programs in the United States. • ↑ bowel movement = SBO, ↓ bowel movement = ileus Surgery Nbme Review. • Clubbing of fingers & toes = hypertrophic osteoarthropathy, 2) Hypercarbia • Cholesterol emboli that lodge into the retinal artery usually originate from an ulcerated atheromatous plaque within the carotid arteries (Hollenhorst plaque), 6) Hypovolemic
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